VLSI design Conference Competition

This is an official invite to all universities around the world and to students of bachelor, master or doctoral studies younger than 30 years, whose area of expertise is within “VLSI design,” to participate in our competition which will be held in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in April 2018.

Problems within this competition are adapted to students and their level of experience. The competition will be held in two phases. In the first phase, four-member teams should present the proof of concept and the idea itself to the members of the jury. All the teams that pass into the second phase will be required to turn their concept into a functional, technical work.

The assigned areas of this contest are:

–    the design and testing of digital analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits

–    semiconductor components

–    and mathematical and algorithmic problems that arise in software-hardware design.

post3aAll of the submitted solutions should have their real applicability be demonstrated in the second phase of the competition. The ultimate goal is not only the development of existing ones but also the introduction of new conceptual solutions. In addition to one of the main and two side prizes that will fundamentally and technically help develop and implement your solutions, all interested people will be provided with internships in the leading companies in the field. All competitors are invited to our next VLSI Conference, at which point the awarded teams will be able to hold short presentations of their work.


The jury consists out of six experts from related industries. In addition to awarding three prizes and internships, the jury can award prizes for the works that are the most innovating, as well as the best-implemented idea. These awards consist of monetary incentives as well as consultations regarding the improvement of innovation/ideas. The jury also has the right not to give out any reward, if they conclude that none of the submitted work satisfies their expectations.

post3bHow to submit

To participate in this competition, you need to register via our site. After that, it is necessary to create a profile of the team. Please enter all the members: names, country, faculty, and experience.

Applications are received automatically after publishing this text. Applications for the competition are accepted in the next four months counting from the date of the publishing of this text and closing with the last day of the last month in the deadline. You will find all the necessary details regarding the competition in the files after registering the team.


All of the teams that progress into a second phase of the competition will have all their expenses paid, regarding the accommodation and transfer from their hotels to the place in which the competition will be held. For this competition the sponsors are leading hardware and software companies, that will each offer an expert in the field to each team, to act as a mentor. To all the registered applicants we wish all the best in the following competition,

Our team.